Monday, March 23

v7.63 Now Available

Sorry for the delay - between computer issues and illness, this update took longer to get posted than originally expected. Unfortunately, I think that's par for the course on computer stuff - nothing ever takes the time you think it will ;-)

Anyway, version 7.63 of the software is now available for downloading if you are a current license holder (service date after 12/1/2009). You can view the added items and download it from our HSW Update page on our website.

If you still need to update, see the blog entry below for information on doing so. Those who have purchased the mailed version, manuals are currently being printed and CD's burned - they will be mailed later this week.

I am heading away from my development computer for a few days on a much needed break with my family. As usual, I will still have access to voice and email so if you need to get a hold of me, you know how!