Horse Show for Windows' newest update has been posted. It can be downloaded from our website at any time.
A Maintenance Contract expiring 12/2012 is required for installing the newest version of HSW so if you haven't purchased one, you'll need to do so BEFORE downloading/installing.
Cost is $175 to download or $225 to have CD's mailed to you. Credit cards can be used to purchase online or a check can be sent to 3292 Atlin Ave, Dublin, OH 43017.
New items in v7.75
- Rules 2012 - APHA new classes, skill set changes, Walk/Trot division addition and error checking, judge's cards
- Rules 2012 - AQHA new classes
- Rules 2012 - ApHC new classes
- Rules 2012 - PtHA updated classes
- Rules 2012 - NRCHA updated judge's sheets
- Awards - Circuit/Hi-Point - allow to sort by just exhibitor
- Awards - Circuit/Hi-Point - added sex of exhibitor
- Awards - Circuit/Hi-Point - allowed restriction of classes held in the working show to Pre-Set Lists
- Charges - Fixed error in selecting the correct approving association for a class fee when class code was used in more than one association
- Reports - Back Number List - added sex of exhibitor and age group
- Reports - Information for Publication - ability to print Master or Subsidiaries for all options
- Results/Scoring - Verify - added showbill number and number shown to judge verification report to allow for easy posting of results with multiple judges
- Statement - cropped show ID so there will be no wrapping and taking extra lines
- Utilities - Swap Judge for Working or All Shows - can swap judge for a range of classes instead of the entire show