Monday, November 24

Coming to the end of one season and the beginning of the next

As fall comes to a close and the weather here in Ohio gets colder, our phone rings less and less. Horse shows across the country and around the world are winding down. Not that there aren't shows being held (I know several that will take place over this coming Thanksgiving weekend...hopefully you won't need my help through them ;-), but that there are fewer shows overall being held any given weekend this time of year. Those of you in the warmer climes are still plenty busy while those of us up north are gearing down for the winter.

Here in the office, it means the time of year where we work to put together our first release for the next show season; contacting the breed associations to see what rules changes they have up their sleeves, going through the wish list we've compiled from users, and updating our development environment with the most current tools.

This year we hope to develop some 'how to' video clips to post online to help answer the most often asked questions we get in the office regarding show set up. Our plan is to walk you through different types of shows and how we would set them up. We are putting together some tools to help us do this smoothly and once we get that completed we'll start working on the clips and post them as they are finished. If there are particular set up issues that you find difficult or confusing, please let us know so that we can generate a clip for it. As usual, our purpose is the make the lives of our show managers a bit easier!

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